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 About us

Contact us. All you need to know about Hamilton Medical

Please select the country that you would like to do business in. We are ready to help

If your country is not listed in the dropdown menu, please select Switzerland to contact our Headquarters.

Hamilton Medical AG

Hamilton Medical AG. Headquartered in the middle of the Swiss Alps

Hamilton Medical AG
Via Crusch 8
7402 Bonaduz

Tel: +41586101020
Service hotline Switzerland: +41 800 660 600

Suppliers. For a strong partnership

Contact us if you are pursuing the same objectives of Hamilton Medical and are interested in becoming a supplier.

Transparency. For fair cooperation

Have you observed or experienced any illegal behavior, violations of our Code of Conduct or generally applicable standards of conduct? Then use our Whistleblowing hotline to report any irregularities (e.g., criminal acts, inactivity, negligence, discrimination, mobbing, and violence of any kind).